Wednesday, January 30, 2013

5 best fruits for you are health


What to look for when buying apples: Shiny skin. Firm and free of bruises. Many varieties are available year-round.
Storing: Apples stay juicier longer in a refrigerator fruit crisper and can be refrigerated for about 5—7 days. Fuji and Gala apples last longer than Red or Golden Delicious varieties.
Using: McIntosh for salads, Red Delicious for snacking, Fuji for baking, Granny Smith for any purpose.
*Flavonoids promote heart health by reducing platelet adhesion in arteries, lowering cholesterol, and relaxing and dilating arteries.
2. Apricots
fresh or dried
Benefits: Vitamins A, C, E, and K; fiber; carotenoids
What to look for when buying apricots: Fresh: Firm, plump with deep orange or yellow-orange color.
Storing: Sealed in plastic bag, they keep in the refrigerator for up to one week.
Using: Add sliced apricots to hot or cold cereal. Dried apricots give a Middle Eastern flavor to stews.
Benefits: Vitamins B6 and C, fiber, magnesium*, potassium*
What to look for when buying bananas: Firm, with the stem intact. Size does not affect quality.
Storing: Room temperature is best.
Using: Best eaten fresh. Freeze peeled, overripe bananas to use later in baking.
*Potassium and magnesium lower blood pressure.
4 .Berries
Blueberry, blackberry, boysenberry, raspberry
Benefits: Vitamin C, folate, fiber, manganese, potassium
What to look for when buying berries: Choose bright berries that move freely in their containers. Silver sheen on blueberries indicates freshness.
Storing: Keep in the refrigerator for about 2-3 days.
Using: Frozen berries are just as nutritious as fresh.
Benefits: Vitamins A, B6, and C; folate; potassium; fiber
What to look for when buying cantaloupe: Pick melons you can smell that yield slightly to pressure on the blossom end. Most affordable in peak season (June—September).
Storing: In the vegetable crisper, cantaloupe can last 5 days.
Using: Freeze slices between sheets of waxed paper and seal in plastic. Best served slightly frozen.


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